Quick and tasty tacos with a twist of a burger.


  • Plain tortilla wraps
  • 2 Beef Burgers
  • 40g Mature cheddar, grated
  • Pack of tex mex sauces
  • Paprika, to garnish, optional


  1. Place a burger in the centre of each wrap, then using a spoon, spread the meat out ensuring it reaches the edge. Using the back of the spoon smooth the surface out and season with black pepper.
  2. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Place the wrap bread side down into the pan and cook for 90 seconds. Using a spatula turn the wrap burger side down and cook for a further 2 minutes, pressing it down into the pan. Transfer to a plate, wipe the pan clean, and repeat with the second wrap.
  3. Top each burger with the cheese, sauces and serve with lime juice, a sprinkle of paprika and a few sprigs of coriander, fold and enjoy.

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Last Update: September 8, 2024

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